Multy X Backhaul Speed Drop with Latest Firmware

AWeiss2K Posts: 5  Freshman Member
edited January 2020 in Multy WiFi System
I recently updated to Multy X firmware V2.20(ABKJ.2)C0 and my backhaul speed has dropped from 350Mbps+ to 250Mbps.  Didn't change the router locations or any other configuration settings.  Are other people experiencing this?  My internet connection maxes out at 200Mbps but it still seems odd.


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Eric
    Zyxel_Eric Posts: 279  Zyxel Employee
    First Answer First Comment
    edited January 2020
    Dear Sir,
    Can you share your Diagnose result?
    Is the result from the internet to extender node lower than previous firmware version?

    The latest FW: V2.20(ABKJ.2)C0 has a different algorithm to run the test on backhaul connection than the previous firmware version, but it didn't affect the actual connection on your device.

    The result is only for reference, I will recommend you to focus on the actual throughput on each node. If it didn't get effect, the backhaul connection shouldn't be a problem.

    We will enhance the result of the backhaul connection when user runs the diagnose on Multy App in feature release.
  • AWeiss2K
    AWeiss2K Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Thanks - the internet to Multy X node speed is unchanged since my internet connection is limited to 200Mbps and the reported backhaul speed has always been above that, with both the older and newer firmware versions.  The only thing that changed was the speed of the backhaul connection from the primary Multy X to the other nodes as reported in the Multy X application Diagnostic section.  I didn't run any file transfer tests between devices connected to the nodes so I don't know if the backhaul speed actually changed or not.  

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